season 3 episode 20
Ymir fritz obtains the power of the titans. according to marley, she obtains it by making a deal with the devil.
1003 B1

1003 B1 - c. 743

Ymir fritz dies. her soul is split into nine titans among her descendants, the subjects of ymir, the only race able to turn into titans. these nine titans go on to found the empire of eldia.
according to historical documents interpreted by the eldian restorationists, ymir fritz uses the power of the titans to cultivate lands and build roads and bridges, bringing prosperity and wealth to the continent.

the eldian empire conquers the continent, including the ancient nation of marley. according to marley, the Subjects of Ymir begin oppressing all other people and races they deem inferior. They steal land and possessions, wipe many bloodlines out entirely and even carry out ethnic cleansing for around 1700 years, forcing other people to bear Eldian children in order to expand the numbers of subjects of ymir.
c. 743
the great titan war : marley plots from within eldia and manages to bring seven of the nine titans under their control. refusing to fight, the king at the time abandons his duty of balancing the continent's powers and moves the capital to the remote island of paradis. Marley emerges victorious.

king fritz settles with many of his people to the island of paradis. he uses the founding titan's power to erect three walls made out of hardened titans and to alter his people's memories, making them believe that all of humanity outside the walls was killed by the titans.
some bloodlines aren't affected by this power, but they comply to the king's ideals and don't pass on history to their children. however, two of these bloodlines turn their back on the king : the ackermann clan and the oriental clan. they are hunted down and persecuted as a result.
before closing the walls, the king leaves a threat to the world saying that if his peace is ever disturbed, he'll unleash the millions of titans sleeping inside the walls on the world. finally, he changes his name to reiss, puts a figurehead king on the throne to rule from the shadows and goes into hiding.
c. 743 - 817
eldians who remained on the continent, secretly including a branch of the royal family who refused to follow king fritz, are subjugated and parked inside internment zones, forced to wear identifiable armbands when they go outside.
through propaganda and brainwashing, they are taught that they must atone for the sins of their ancestors. eldians found guilty of crimes are sent to the island of paradis and turned into pure titans.

using the power of the seven titans under their control, marley becomes the number one power in the world.
c. 780 - 785
the cult, including ymir, are found by the marley authorities, sent to paradis and turned into pure titans as punishment.

a young homeless eldian orphan is taken into an eldian cult and given the name "ymir".
grisha takes his sister faye outside the walls of the liberio internment zone. faye is killed by a marleyan officer named gross.

January 26th, 806


grisha jaeger is born.
c. 819 - 826
grisha joins the eldian restorationists, an organization led by the mysterious "owl" infiltrated in the marley government. there, he meets dina fritz, the last survivant from the royal family branch that stayed on the continent. they fall in love.


Erwin's father is killed by the Interior Military Police's First squad.

August 1st, 825

zeke jaeger is born.
c. 830
kenny ackermann meets his grandfather to ask him why the ackermann clan, despite being a warrior clan who used to protect the king in the past, is now persecuted by the monarchy.
as he goes to pay a visit to his sister kuchel, he finds her lifeless body and meets a young, malnourished levi ackermann. for a while, kenny raises him and teaches him how to survive in the underground city before leaving him.
Zeke denounces his parents to Marley. The Eldian Restorationists are sent to Paradis Island where they’re turned into Pure Titans. But just as Grisha is about to be fed to one of the newly created titans, one of the marleyan officers, kruger, reveals himself as the Owl and saves grisha before turning into a titan.

kenny ackermann locates uri reiss and tries to assassinate him. but after the latter shows him compassion instead of killing him, kenny starts working for him, ending the persecutions on the ackermann family.
anxious to maintain their nation's position of power in the world, the marley government set their eyes on the founding titan and the ressources of paradis island. they launch the "warrior program" to train specially selected eldian children to make use of the seven titans in their possession. the families of these chosen warriors will be given the status of "honorary marleyans". after hearing of marley's plans from the owl, grisha enlists zeke in the warrior program as a double agent to cross marley.
grisha jaeger is found outside the walls by keith sadies. grisha asks keith to teach him about the society inside the walls.
c. 830 - 834
grisha jaeger saves shiganshina from an epidemy.

grisha jaeger gets married with carla.

keith sadies becomes the 12th commander of the scouts regiment.

november 3rd, 834

Armin arlelt is born.
january 15th, 835

historia reiss is born.

eren jaeger is born.

mikasa ackermann is born.
february 10th, 835

march 30th, 835

835 - 836

keith sadies gets angry at carla for not recognizing the value and specialness in what he's trying to accomplish as a scout. carla replies that she believes not being special isn't a bad thing and that her son doesn't need to be special. he already is by virtue of being born into this world..
kenny has a last talk with uri and finds out his titan power can be inherited. they also wonder what made them friends despite their circumstances : violence or something else?
after seeing frieda act the same way as uri used to, kenny starts desiring the power of founding titan for himself, wondering if it could make even "a piece of shit" like him become compassionate like uri.

Frieda reiss inherits the founding titan and its memories of the world and history at the age of 15, by eating her uncle uri reiss.
842 - 845
armin shows a book about the outside world to eren. eren realizes that he's not free and starts longing to explore the outside world with armin.

Frieda reiss regularly visits her little half-sister, historia. she teaches her how to read and how to be "lady-like". however, she erases herself and her visits from historia's memories everytime.
armin's parents attempt to go outside the walls in a hot air balloon they've created but are stopped and killed by the interior military police's first squad.
note : it is never explicitly stated in the story that this couple was armin's parents, armin only mentions to eren that his parents were planning to go outside the walls when he shows him the book about the outside world in s1E05 and that his parents died in S1e02. however, author hajime isayama confirmed that this couple was indeed armin's parents in the official "character encyclopedia" guidebook.
events of the "no regrets part 1" and "no regrets part 2" ovas : levi ackermann joins the scout regiment.

Mikasa’s parents are murdered and she gets abducted by human traffickers. amidst this traumatic experience, she awakens a mysterious power within her apparently thanks to her ackermann blood, gifting her superhuman strength and the feeling of knowing exactly "what needs to be done". She is saved by Eren and taken into the jaeger family.
within one or a few days before the fall of wall maria

as a pure titan roaming outside wall maria, ymir eats marcel, who was a comrade of reiner, bertholdt and annie who possessed the power of the titans. she turns back into a human and now possesses marcel's titan power.
day of the fall of wall maria
The scout regiment comes back from an exterior scouting mission. keith sadies retires and Erwin Smith becomes the 13th Commander of the Scout regiment.
The outer gate of Shiganshina District is breached by the colossal titan, allowing the other titans to enter. eren's mother gets eaten by dina fritz as a pure titan. the gate of wall maria is breached by the armored titan. eren swears to exterminate every titans. the refugees of shiganshina are evacuated to trost district.

Grisha jaeger goes to the Reiss chapel. He fights against Frieda Reiss with his Titan Power and manages to steal the founding titan, said to allow its user to rule every other titans, by eating her. He then kills the entire Reiss family except rod reiss who somehow manages to escape.

Grisha goes to Trost District where the refugees from Wall Maria have escaped. He reunites with Keith and Eren. He takes his son to a nearby forest, gives him the key to the basement of their house and gives him an injection that turns him into a pure titan. He lets himself be eaten to give his powers to eren and allow him to turn back into a human possessing the founding titan's power.

1 day after the fall of wall maria

eren wakes up with mikasa and Armin, feeling as though he met his father the last night, but brushes it off as a dream.
a few days after the fall of wall maria
rod Reiss visits his illegitimate daughter Historia Reiss and tries to take her into his custody. At the same time, the Interior Military Police's First Squad is sent by the assembly to kill Historia and her mother to clean the stain they represent on the royal family. Alma is killed by Kenny, but to protect historia, rod proposes to change her name to "christa lenz" and to send her to the training corps. he later orders the wall cult to monitor her.

additional context from the manga which was cut from the anime : the reason rod didn't order them to stop their killing and take historia with him despite being the true king of the walls is because he wanted to hide the death of his family and the loss of the founding titan, out of fear of losing his authority over the assembly. he only revealed it after eren transformed for the first time in trost. this is all explained by kenny in the manga as he exposes what kind of man rod truly is to historia. in other words, ordering the interior military police to spare historia and her mother so they could come live with him would have raised questions about why he would suddenly care about them and the whereabouts of his main family.
845 - 847
sasha braus has an argument with her father about their way of life.


To avoid a food shortage, the monarchy sends 20% of the human population on an expedition to retake Wall Maria. Only a hundred people come back alive. Armin’s grandfather dies in this expedition.
eren, mikasa and armin join the 104th cadet corps in order to become soldiers. Keith sadies tries to prevent eren from becoming a soldier and setting his life ablaze by sabotaging his equipment, but fails to break his resolve.

kenny creates the anti-personnel control squad with the pretext of opposing the scout regiment, but its true purpose is to help him achieve his dream.
847 - 850
Events of the "distress" ova : During a wilderness training exercise, Christa Lenz is nearly captured by bandits. The cadets team up to take down her captors.
Events of the "a sudden visitor : the torturous curse of adolescence" ova : In order to settle an argument among cadets Jean Kirschtein and Sasha Braus, Garrison Commander Dot Pyxis hosts a cook-off.



during their training in snowy mountains, christa lenz and ymir make a promise : when ymir reveals her secret to everyone, christa will have to live with her real name again.
events of the "ilse's notebook"
ova : during the 34th expedition beyond the walls, a soldier named ilse langnar records her encounter with a strange abnormal titan in a notebook.

events of the "ilse's notebook"
ova : the scout regiment finds ilse's notebook during the 49th expedition beyond the walls.
1 day before the battle for trost
Graduation ceremony of the 104th cadet Corps.

the scout regiment halt their expedition as they notice titans heading to trost district together. suspecting the gate may have been breached, they head back to trost.
day of the battle for trost

the scout regiment goes on the 56th expedition beyond the walls.

The Colossal Titan breaches the gate of Trost District and the Titans invade, sparking the beginning of the Battle for Trost. amidst the battle, eren discovers he has the power to turn into a titan.
as eren uses his newfound power to plug the broken gate of trost with a large boulder, marco hears a conversation between reiner and bertholdt that he shouldn't have heard. as a result, reiner has annie take off marco's gear and the three warriors watch as he is being eaten by a titan.
the gate of trost is successfully plugged by eren.

1 day after the battle for trost
All Titans trapped inside of the Trost District are killed. 2 Titans are captured and taken into the Scout Regiment’s custody for studies.

2 days after the battle for trost

The bodies of the fallen soldiers in Trost District are retrieved by the Garrison Corps and the Training Corps. Jean Kirschtein finds Marco Bott’s corpse.
as the retrieved bodies are incinerated, jean thinks back to marco's words. he decides he'll take his responsibilities by joining the scout regiment.
within 5 days after the battle for trost
eren wakes up chained in a dungeon and is greeted by erwin smith and levi ackermann.

eren is put on trial to decide which faction of the military will take custody of him. his custody is eventually given to the scout regiment but will be given to the military police if the scout regiment doesn't bring substantial results in its next expedition.
6 days after the battle for trost
eren joins the scout regiment under the supervision of the special operation squad (squad levi) and is relocated into the old scout regiment headquarters within wall rose where experiments with his titan powers will be conducted within the next month.
Hange discusses her experiments on the captured titans with eren until the next morning.

7 days after the battle for trost

the two captured titans in custody of the Scouts Regiment are found dead. An equipment inspection for all the new recruits is held. Armin notices that annie presented marco's gear.
enlistment ceremony : 21 trainees from the 104th cadet Corps join the Scout Regiment. Annie Leonhardt joins the Military Police Brigade.
within 1 month after the enlistment ceremony
eren experiments with his titan form under hange zoe's supervision. they discover he needs to have a proper goal in mind while he's injured to transform.

1 month after the enlistment ceremony and 1 day before the 57th scouting mission

Events of the OVAs “Lost Girls : Goodbye, Wall Sina Part 1” and “Lost Girls : Goodbye, Wall Sina Part 2” : Annie distracts herself from her anxiety by searching for Carly Stratmann, the missing daughter of a Stohess merchant.

day of the 57th scouting mission
the scout regiment departs for the 57th exterior scouting mission from calaneth district in direction of shiganshina district.
a female titan appears from the right flank in order to capture eren and is led into a forest of giant trees where erwin smith was waiting to capture her but she manages to escape.
the female titan kills all of the special operation squad excepted levi and fights eren in his titan form. she manages to capture him but eren is retrieved by levi teaming up with mikasa. levi injures his leg amidst the fight.
the scout regiment is forced to abandon the operation and retreat to calaneth district.

1 day after the 57th scouting mission
new scout regiment recruits from the 104th cadet corps suspected to hide potential allies of annie leonhardt are kept in a building in the south of wall rose under supervision of miche zacharias.

Annie Leonhardt is identified as the most likely true identity of the Female Titan by the Scout Regiment and plans are made to capture her in Stohess District.
2 days after the 57th scouting mission
titans are sighted inside wall rose led by a mysterious "beast" titan. the new scout regiment recruits who were under suspicion of hiding potential allies of annie are dispatched to warn nearby villages of the danger.
in stohess, the scouts manage to capture annie but she locks herself inside a crystal. after the fight, a part of the wall that was damaged falls off, revealing that the walls are made of titans. pastor nick from the wall cult knew about it and points them towards historia reiss, aka christa lenz, who apparently comes from an important family who knows the secrets of the walls and is currently on the frontlines in wall rose.
the scouts find her the next day at utgard castle, where ymir revealed her identity as titan in order to protect her comrades who had found refuge there from a horde of titans during the night. shortly after, reiner and bertholdt are also revealed to be the armored and colossal titans. they manage to kidnap eren and ymir but in a chaotic battle between them and the scouts, eren discovers that he can control the titans and manages to escape their grasp. ymir makes the choice to follow reiner and bertholdt back to their hometown while the scouts retreat with eren.
click here to see a detailed timeline of those events.

within 1 week after eren's rescue
The government declares the safety of Wall Rose and the refugees who had been sent to the Underground City beneath the Capital are sent back to their homes after anarchy nearly breaks out due to a lack of provisions.
Levi forms his new squad in charge of protecting Eren and Historia and they relocate into a new hideout within Wall Rose. Historia tells the squad about her upbringing in the reiss family.

erwin wakes up in a hospital room and is given news that the titans who invaded wall rose are suspected of being the residents of ragako who have been turned through unknown means. the beast titan is suspected of being behind this incident.
1 week after Eren's rescue

sensing that the scout regiment is getting too close to some truths that should stay hidden, the monarchy sends the interior military police's first squad to assassinate pastor nick and kidnap eren and historia.
the scouts discover that the reiss family is the true royal family ruling the walls from the shadows. before he is arrested and the scout regiment disbanded, erwin makes plans to overthrow the government and replace the figurehead king by historia, who would be a ruler more favorable to the scout regiment and unveiling the hidden truths of their world to the people. after some struggle, erwin's coup is successful.
eren and historia learn some shocking truths from rod reiss, historia's father and the shadow ruler of the walls. after defeating the gigantic pure titan form her father turned into, historia is crowned queen of the walls and a new era begins.
click here to see a detailed timeline of the seven days during which those events took place.
within 2 months after historia's coronation
The nobles from the assembly are imprisoned and members of the Military take their places.
Queen Historia brings many orphans from the Underground city beneath the capital to the surface world to reside in her orphanage.
thanks to technology that was hidden by the interior military police, a new weapon designed to harm the armored titan called "thunder spear" is developed.

Fragments of glowing stones from the Reiss Chapel cave are used as sources of light, increasing productivity.
The Scout Regiment's increased popularity causes many young soldiers to enlist or reassign.
Eren's new hardening ability is used to create the “Executioner from Hell” where Trost's outer gate once stood, which begins to clear Titans roaming inside Wall Maria.
2 months after historia's coronation
zeke jaeger defeats reiner's armored titan in shiganshina, deciding that they and bertholdt will wait in the district to ambush the scouts, in hopes of retrieving "the coordinate".

note : while this scene is shown without indication of how much time passed since historia's coronation in the anime, it is shown to take place after the 2 months timeskip in the manga.

a council of military leaders decides that levi ackermann should be entrusted with the decision of when and on whom to use the titan transformation serum.
Eren remembers seeing Keith Sadies in his father’s memories of the day Wall Maria fell. hange and Squad Levi visit Keith to learn more about his involvement with Grisha jaeger.
2 days before the mission to retake wall maria

Erwin Smith holds a meeting with his squad leaders to discuss the upcoming expedition. After the meeting, Levi tries to get Erwin to stay behind to reduce the risk to his life, but Erwin manages to convince him otherwise.
the night before the expedition to Shiganshina, The soldiers of the Scout Regiment are treated to a feast including meat.
1 day before the mission to retake wall maria
The Scout Regiment departs for Shiganshina District at twillight, receiving a hero's send off.

day of the mission to retake wall maria

reiner, bertholdt and zeke are warned of the scout regiment's arrival by an intelligent quadrupedal titan who was scouting the area. they prepare to ambush the scouts.
the scout regiment arrives to shiganshina at dawn. eren manages to seal the outer gate just before Reiner, Bertholdt and zeke ambush them. from there, a merciless battle ensues.
despite getting almost completely wiped out, the scout regiment manages to defeat the enemy and capture bertholdt, but zeke and reiner manage to escape. a fight between levi, eren and mikasa breaks out over who between erwin and armin should be saved with the titan injection. levi ultimately chooses to save armin and to let erwin rest. armin inherits the colossal titan by eating bertholdt.
The scouts finally enter grisha jaeger's basement. they find three books and a "photograph". they learn that, outside the walls, humanity is not extinct and enjoys a refined existence in a civilisation more advanced than the walls. Because of the crimes of their ancestors and their innate difference as the only race that can turn into titans, the people of the walls known as the "eldians" are hated by the rest of the world who wants to exterminate them.

1 day after the mission to retake wall maria

the 9 remaining members of the scout regiment return to trost in the morning and are welcomed by a cheering crowd.
within a few days after the mission to retake wall maria
eren wakes up in a jail cell where he's been put with mikasa to serve time for their insubordination. After reading his father's books, eren has started reliving his father's memories in his sleep.